It was our year to go to Florida for Christmas. I had to fly by myself with both kids... I was nervous, but it actually was fine. The worst part was Jacey pooping out of her diaper about 10 minutes after we took off. She rarely poops out of good diapers, but wouldn't you know that's when it happens. So I had to change her in my lap (good thing she's not modest) and thank goodness for Tide sticks. Brooks wore his cowboy outfit there and so Grandpa was delighted to see a little outlaw coming down the stairs to greet him and jump into his arms. And I was delighted to walk out the door and be embraced by the Florida sunshine in gorgeous 70 degree weather. I spent several days there before the rest of the family arrived and didn't get to picture-taking until they came. Here Brooks is playing with his cousin Braden.

He and his cousin Ethan rode Grammy and Grandpa's tricycles.

Uncle Brad is a hoot and warmed up to Brooks by asking him to join him under the blanket for secret-telling and hiding.

Here is my brother, Brad, and my sister-in-law, Michelle, meeting Jacey for the first time. Michelle got to visit with her briefly but then ended up being very sick with a virus. At first she thought it was morning sickness because they told us through a poem one night that they are pregnant with their third! Yea!

Brad is such a crazy guy and will do just about anything for a laugh. Brooks ate it up.

Grandpa holding his first granddaughter.

My dad thought we needed a pic of Jacey peeking out from around the tree.

Ethan holding Jacey.

Brooks loved watching Rudolph this year and was thrilled when I brought home a stuffed Rudolph and Abominable Snow Monster. He carried them around constantly the whole time. Here he is playing with them with Daddy.

Jacey and Brooks looking all festive... Brooks loved wearing a Santa hat this year.

Mommy and Jacey

Here's Grammy reading a book to all the grandkids... even Jacey is into it.

Brad is about to grill some awesome pork tenderloin... grilling out for Christmas Eve dinner... love it.

Jonathan... um, I don't really know what to say about this picture.

I don't know what to say about this picture either, but for a totally different reason.

In her Christmas pj's

Brooks feeding the reindeer on Christmas Eve. I love this shot.

Christmas morning and Brooks with his presents. He got some really great stuff, especially in the book department. My mom always finds the best books for him.

Grammy with her first granddaughter... she has a hard time believing how much pink I put her in and the bows I put on her, etc., because I wasn't girly growing up. She loves it, though!

The family Christmas morning - my mom bought us all matching pajamas. It was fun.

The boys

The four cousins... I had a better pic but I think it didn't download, but they're still cute.

We went to the playground downtown. The boys had a great time.

Here she is in one of those girly bows. I'm glad I can make you happy, Mom.

My mom and dad when we ate out at our favorite Mt. Dora restaurant, Lampu. Thanks, Mom and Dad, and thanks, Florida for a wonderful Christmas.
I love the pants on fire picture! I love the pictures of the kids too! It looks like you guys had a great time.
I loved all the pictures. I'm glad Florida was good to ya. It was pretty sweltering today! I am shocked about Brad and Michelle's Third! Wow!
Sorry I didnt get to see ya :(
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